Sunday, November 22, 2009


Securities that will be practiced this time, to display the object as if they were moving quickly.
Prepare a photo / picture to be manipulated.
Selection of objects or areas that will be effect.Use selection tool or pen Selct menu tool.And then-Inverse or press CTRL + Shift + I, to reverse the selection area.
Select the menu Filter-Blur-Motion Blur dialogMotion box Blur.Pada following settings:
Angel: 29 degrees
Distance: 70 pixels
click OK.
To set the angle adjusted to the object
you use.

4. Select the Filter menu again on Blur.Setting Gaussian Blur
Radius: 3.0 pixels.And then click OK.

5. Finally, remove the selection area.Choose menu Select-Deselect
or press Ctrl + D.
The final result:

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