Sunday, November 22, 2009

Cheat farmville

Sure gaining experience points and money that way is easy. Perhaps one of the easiest. Rather than doing plant, and plow it as soon as possible (besides, its a waste of money). However, you can do it once in every 24 hours per neighbors. Sure you might have 2,916 neighbors, but still, it’s tiring to keep on visiting them one-by-one, moving your cursors up and down, clicking the “OK” buttons, and waiting for the application to load every time you move from one farms to another.

But what happen if you just taking an advantage over that loading time? Yup, the one that will happen every time you clicked on someone else’s farms? Hmm, this is what will happen:

First, click on the neighbor you’re willing to visit.

FarmVille Cheat!

Straight away after you click the visit button, click that neighbor’s picture once again (must click the same person you’ve visited) - so that you can visit her again, even when the offer window opened already.

FarmVille Cheat!

When you did that successfully, you’ll see that you actually visited her farm twice.

FarmVille Cheat!

Do it over and over again, just as many as you want, then stopped when you think you’ve got it enough. Then start clicking on the “OK” buttons as you usually do when you’re accepting your neighbors offers to get the rid out of the raccoons. You’ll see multiple offers are actually there, its not visible because the windows popped up on the top of the previous ones.

You don’t believe me?
Ok, look at the money that I’ve got back in the first picture - it were 293 golds right? And I was in level one, with just one neighbor and no crops planted at all. Compare that first picture with this one. Look at how much money did I’ve earned from just visiting a single neighbor and how many levels have I jumped up in just 3 minutes of doing this cheat.

FarmVille Cheat!

True. I just jumped up for two levels, and earned 100 golds (5 times than the usual visits) from just visiting one neighbors. Interesting enough? Well, the best part of this cheat is, this isn’t a fake and is perfectly worked even now!

Believe me, I’m just as tired as you, searching, reading, implementing, or even downloading fake hacks and cheats for FarmVille. That’s why I decided to experiment it by myself and found it like that.

As for the cheat to make your character farm, plow, and harvest faster than the usual time, you can just go buy some cheap stuffs (I will suggest a decoration), which able to make the character stuck.

FarmVille Cheat!

Move your character somewhere far from the land, and lock his way. Something like this:

FarmVille Cheat!

Start doing your things (farming activities). Since the character stuck away from the land, it won’t be able to move there to do the things, however, just like Cafe World’s chefs when it got stuck (Telling out the truth, I’ve got this idea at first since I played Cafe World), it still do his/her things, cooking, and everything - same as the waitresses. And judging from how long will it takes usually, for your FarmVille character to do his things (believe me, when it’s a huge land you’ve got, it will takes forever for him to finishes things), this method will works just perfect, especially in decreasing your anger down, when you’re in a hurry.

FarmVille Cheat!

How’s that interesting for you? You do not need to become an addict anymore in order to level up fast and collecting all the money and other things in FarmVille, just think differently and you’ll find it easier.

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